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In Memory Of...

Those lost in collisions on South Carolina Roadways.

Add a tribute to this page to commemorate your loved one.

Message from SCHP Colonel
SCHP Commander Col. C. N. Williamson

A Message from the Colonel

On behalf of the men and women of the South Carolina Highway Patrol, please accept our sincere condolences on the loss of your family member. It is hard to imagine the pain of losing a beloved family member in a motor vehicle collision unless you have "been there." We hope this page will provide you with a compassionate and meaningful way to publicly honor and remember your loved one. While no one can truly understand your loss, this page will connect you with others who have walked a similar path. Our troopers and officers meet families like yours under the worst of circumstances and we take every death on our highways personally. There are no words to help ease the pain that you and your family are experiencing after the death of your loved one, but please know that those of us in uniform sincerely care and remain committed to doing all that we can to prevent another family from suffering such a tragedy.